Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: Homo Liturgicus  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de marin2016 in 15/09/2018
He knows to where
Winds are rushing
Where they are coming from
Where are they going.

He knows better
The path to heaven
Because He is the Path.

He knows better
The starry heavens
Because there is His abode.

For Him the vast oceans
Are but small blue pearls
Necklaces of heavenly stars.

For Him the mountains
With snow on peaks
Are landing pads
Stairs to the sky
For His holy angels
To descend and ascend.

He knows the chambers
Of the human hearts
Because he visited them
Sometimes lives therein.

From volume “Homo Liturgicus”, 2018
Amazon. com

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